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Erasmus+ Programme Guide

The essential guide to understanding Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025

This webpage does not reflect yet the content of the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025.

However, you can download the full guide for 2025 in your chosen language in PDF.

Jean Monnet actions in other fields of education and training

Learning about the objectives and the functioning of the European Union is an important part of promoting active citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination.

Teachers and trainers are keen to engage in opportunities for their own professional development; a significant number of teachers express the need to expand their competences for developing an inclusive classroom atmosphere using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and teaching in multilingual and multicultural classrooms. They also need opportunities for professional expansion regarding the European dimension of teaching at school, in particular on teaching about the European Union in engaging ways. 

The overall objective is to promote a better understanding, both in general education and vocational training (ISCED 1 – 4), of the European Union and the functioning of its Institutions and to address the  widespread lack of knowledge of the European Union and a lot of disinformation, these in turn increase people’s disenchantment about the Union and its policies.