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Erasmus+ Programme Guide

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Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025

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Partnerships for cooperation

What are partnerships for cooperation?

This action enables participating organisations to gain experience in international cooperation and to strengthen their capacities, but also to produce high-quality innovative deliverables. Depending on the objectives of the project, the participating organisations involved, or the expected impact, among other elements, Partnerships for Cooperation can be of different sizes and scope, and adapt their activities accordingly. The qualitative assessment of these projects will be proportional to the objectives of the cooperation and the nature of the organisations involved.  

Based on this logic, two types of partnerships are offered to organisations to work, learn and grow together:

  • Cooperation Partnerships
  • Small-scale Partnerships

These two types of partnerships are presented in detail in the following pages. The information included in the upcoming two sections will help you to choose the type of partnership that best suits the profile and structure of your organisation and your project ideas.  

Which activities are typically carried out by partnerships for cooperation?

Over the lifetime of a project, organisations may typically carry out a broad range of activities. From traditional activities to more creative and innovative ones, organisations have the flexibility to choose the best combination that contributes to reaching the project’s objectives in relation to its scope and in proportion to the capacities of the partnership. For example:

  • Project management: activities that are necessary to ensure the adequate planning, implementation and follow-up of the projects, including smooth and efficient collaboration between project partners. In this phase, activities typically include organisational and administrative tasks, virtual meetings among partners, preparation of communication materials, preparation and follow-up of participants taking part in activities, etc.    
  • Implementation activities: can include networking events, meetings, working sessions to exchange practices and to develop results. These activities may also involve the participation of staff and learners (provided that their participation contributes to the achievement of project objectives).
  • Sharing and promotion activities: organisation of conferences, sessions, events aimed at sharing, explaining and promoting the results of the project, whether they are in the form of tangible results, conclusions, good practices or any other form.    

Contribution of this action to achieving policy priorities

On a yearly basis, the European Commission sets common priorities and objectives to be pursued at the level of the Erasmus+ Programme in different fields of education, training, youth and sport. Therefore, apart from developing capacities of organisations involved in the project, partnerships for cooperation aim at contributing toward achieving Programme priorities with their results.

Projects are therefore requested to frame their work in relation to one or more of these priorities and to select them at application stage. When formulating project proposals, it is also recommended to consult the results produced by previously funded projects based on similar priorities, to ensure consistency and avoid duplications, as well as to progressively build on existent results and contribute to the joint development of the different fields. Useful information about funded projects can be found in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

In addition, to better link European priorities with the specific needs at national level, Erasmus+ National Agencies may identify one or more of these European priorities as particularly relevant in their national context, in order to encourage organisations to focus their contributions in these selected areas on a given year. 

In 2025, Partnerships for Cooperation must address one or more of the following priority areas:

Priorities applying to all Erasmus+ sectors

The following four priorities can be addressed through applications in all Erasmus+ sectors. Applicants must clearly explain the impact of their proposal and the horizontal priority they selected on the field in which they are applying.

Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport: the Programme will support projects that promote social inclusion and aim at improving the outreach to people with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities and people with a migrant background, as well as people living in rural and remote areas such as outermost regions, people facing gender inequalities, socio-economic difficulties or any other potential source of discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. These projects will help addressing the barriers faced by these groups in accessing the opportunities offered by the programme, as well as contributing to creating inclusive environments that foster equity and equality, and that are responsive to the needs of the wider community. Under this priority, the Programme will support projects that promote educational activities and facilitate the integration of people fleeing the war in Ukraine into their new learning environments.

Environment and fight against climate change: the Programme aims to support, across all sectors, awareness-raising about the green transition, environmental and climate-change challenges. Priority will be given to projects aimed at developing competences in various sustainability-relevant sectors, developing green sectorial skills strategies and methodologies, as well as future-oriented curricula that better meet the needs of individuals. The Programme will also support the testing of innovative practices to prepare learners, staff and youth workers to become true agents of change (e.g. save resources, reduce energy use and waste, compensate carbon footprint emissions, opt for sustainable food and mobility choices, etc.). Priority will also be given to projects that – through education, training, youth and sport activities - enable behavioural changes for individual preferences, consumption habits, and lifestyles, in line with the New European Bauhaus initiative; develop sustainability competences of educators and education leaders and support the planned approaches of the participating organisations regarding environmental sustainability.

Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity: The Programme will support digital transformation plans of primary, secondary, vocational education and training (VET), higher, and adult education institutions. Priority will be given to projects aiming to increase the capacity and readiness of institutions to manage an effective shift towards digital education. The Programme will support the purposeful use of emerging digital technologies and innovation, including AI, in education, training, youth and sport for teaching, learning, assessment and engagement. This includes the development of digital pedagogy and expertise in the use of digital tools for teachers, including accessible and assistive technologies and the creation and innovative use of digital education content, digital well-being (for both learners and staff), tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy. Equally, it includes developing the digital skills and competences through appropriate programmes and initiatives, for example on informatics. Particular attention will be given to promoting gender equality, for example the participation of girls and women in STEM fields of study, including through a STEAM approach, and addressing differences in relation to the access and use by underrepresented groups. The Programme will further support the use of the European frameworks on digital competences of educators, citizens and organisations, the SELFIE tools, the Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence and data in teaching and learning for educators and the Guidelines on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training.

Common values, civic engagement and participation: The Programme will support active citizenship and ethics in lifelong learning; it will foster the development of social and intercultural competences, critical thinking and media literacy. Priority will also be given to projects that offer opportunities for people’s participation in democratic life, social and civic engagement through formal or non-formal learning activities. The focus will also be on raising awareness on and understanding the European Union context, notably as regards the common EU values, the principles of unity and diversity, as well as their cultural identity, cultural awareness and their social and historical heritage.

In addition to the general priorities mentioned above, the following specific priorities will be pursued in the respective sectors.

Sector specific priorities

In the field of higher education:

Priority will be given to actions that are key to achieving the objectives of the European Education Area. The aim is to support the higher education sector in becoming even more inter-connected, innovative, inclusive and digital. For this purpose, the Programme will encourage much deeper and inter-disciplinary cooperation between higher education institutions, as well as with their surrounding innovation ecosystems, and the strengthening of links between education, research and innovation. The focus will in particular be on strengthening inclusion, mobility, digitalisation, lifelong learning, quality assurance and automatic recognition. The underlying objective is to accelerate the higher education transformation throughout Europe, in order to train the future generations in co-creating knowledge for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable society.

Promoting inter-connected higher education systems: The programme will aim to strengthen the strategic and structured cooperation between higher education institutions through: a) support for developing and testing various types of cooperation models, including virtual and blended cooperation and the use of different digital tools and online platforms; b) improving mobility by implementing automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes, and by embedding mobility in curricula; c) support for higher education institutions to implement the Bologna principles, including promoting fundamental academic values and the standards and guidelines for quality assurance, and tools to enhance mobility for all; d) support for higher education institutions, in strong cooperation with the representatives of Member States to pilot innovative cooperation and actions; e) support for implementing Erasmus Without Paper, deploying the European Student Identifier and the European Student Card.

Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices: to tackle societal challenges and promote innovation and entrepreneurship through support for: a) the development of learning outcomes oriented and student-centred curricula that better meet the learning needs of students and reduce skills mismatches, and promote entrepreneurship, while also being relevant for the labour market and for the wider society, for example by inviting staff from enterprises and the world of work or by codesigning curricula with the industry, including SMEs; b) the development, testing and implementation of flexible learning pathways and modular course design (part-time, online or blended) and appropriate forms of assessment, including the development of online assessment; c) promoting the lifelong learning dimension of higher education, including by exploring the possibilities for take-up, validation and recognition of short learning courses leading to micro-credentials; d) implementation of trans-disciplinary approaches and innovative pedagogies such as inverted learning, collaborative online international learning, research-based learning and blended intensive programmes, which support the acquisition of transferable forward-looking skills and entrepreneurship through a challenge-based approach.

Developing a STEAM approach in higher education, and foster women participation in STEM: This priority supports the development and implementation of fit-for-purpose STEM higher education curricula, following a STEAM approach; promoting participation of women in STEM fields of study and especially in engineering, ICT and advanced digital skills; development of guidance and mentoring programmes for students, especially girls and women, to pursue STEM and ICT fields of study and occupations; fostering gender sensitive education and training practices in STEM education; eliminating gender stereotypes in STEM.

Rewarding excellence in learning, teaching and skills development:, through a) developing and implementing strategies and quality culture to reward and incentivise excellence in teaching, including online teaching, enhanced quality of study experience and teaching for learners with fewer opportunities, student-centred learning and teaching in higher education, as well as through support for flexible and attractive academic careers, valuing teaching, research, entrepreneurship, management and leadership activities; b) training of academics in new and innovative pedagogies, including teaching in online or blended environments, trans-disciplinary approaches, new curriculum design, delivery and assessment methods linking education with research and innovation where relevant, c) developing new practices in instructional design, based on educational research and creativity.

Supporting digital and green capabilities of the higher education sector: through support for a) digital transformation of higher education institutions (including interoperability) and the digitalisation of student mobility linked to the European Student Card initiative, b) the development of digital skills of students and staff, and c) graduate tracking databases. With regard to the green transition, the programme will support a) whole-institutional approaches, b) transdisciplinary approaches coupled with a strong disciplinary background and life-long learning, including through micro-credentials, c) curricula development in line with the required green skills, d) supporting transnational partnerships between students, academics, universities, employers, communities and other stakeholders on climate challenges to create true higher education climate frontrunners.

Building inclusive higher education systems: The programme will foster inclusive approaches for mobility and cooperation activities such as a) support to the education of refugee students and staff, and support to the institutions and staff of host countries in dealing with this endeavour, b) increased access, participation and completion rates of people with fewer opportunities, including under-represented groups, also through developing voluntary quantitative targets; c) active support to incoming mobile participants throughout the process of finding accommodation, including through collaboration with the relevant stakeholders for the provision of appropriate and affordable housing; d) support to mental health of students and academics; e) foster gender balance in higher education institutions, across fields of study and in leadership positions; f) fostering civic engagement through the promotion of informal learning and extra-curricular activities and recognition of voluntary and community work in students’ academic results.

Supporting innovation and entrepreneurial skills of students: The programme will provide support for innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education, including for example through a) support for the set-up and functioning of living labs and incubators within higher education institutions, in close cooperation with the entrepreneurial sector and other relevant actors, to support innovative learning and teaching and help student entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into businesses, b) support for learning and teaching partnerships with commercial and non-commercial organisations in the private sector that foster students’ exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Supporting higher education institutions in their cooperation with Ukrainian counterparts to respond to the war in Ukraine: This action will aim at supporting Ukraine in reshaping and re-building its higher education system, through cooperation with higher education institutions in Europe, on, among others, quality and relevance of teaching and learning accessible to a wide range of learners; innovative pedagogical approaches; student-centred, challenge-based and interdisciplinary approaches; digital and green skills; lifelong learning practices; system of qualifications; effective management practices; protection of academic values; cooperation with the innovation ecosystem; development and implementation of joint educational activities and programmes.

In the field of school education:

Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills: The aim of this priority is to help improve educational outcomes and hence make success at school possible for all learners, particularly those belonging to more vulnerable groups. This priority supports holistic, whole-school approaches to teaching, learning and assessment, and collaboration among all actors within schools, as well as with families, local services, professionals and other external stakeholders. The priority includes early identification of pupils at risk, preventive and early intervention approaches for learners with difficulties through targeted and individualised actions, promotion of more learner-centred approaches and support to school leaders and educators. The priority also includes a focus on data collection and monitoring, improving transitions between different stages of education, enhancing school planning and quality assurance systems.

Promoting wellbeing at school: The aim of this priority is to help build capacity of schools, educators and school leaders to address well-being at school, in a whole-school approach perspective. Projects under this priority can focus on promotion of well-being (both in terms of mental and physical health) for learners and teachers, establish a positive school climate, integrate social and emotional learning into curriculum starting from early childhood education and care to secondary education, ensure creation of safe schools and protection from all forms of violence at school, including bullying, cyber-bullying, and gender-based violence. A second focus of this priority is to enhance professional learning communities and cooperation with the wider community, in particular with health and welfare professionals as well as parents.

Supporting teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions: This priority supports practitioners in teacher professions (including teacher educators) through all phases of their career. Projects under this priority can focus on enhancing teachers’ initial education, as well as their continuous professional development, in particular by improving the policy framework and concrete opportunities for teacher mobility. A second focus of the priority is making teaching careers more attractive and diverse, including via support to their wellbeing, and strengthening selection, recruitment and evaluation for teaching professions. Finally, projects can also directly support the development of stronger school leadership and innovative teaching and assessment methods.

Development of key competences: Projects under this priority will focus on promoting cross-curricular collaboration and boosting excellence, using innovative learning approaches, developing creativity, supporting teachers in delivering competence-based teaching and developing assessment and validation of key competences.  

Promoting a comprehensive approach to language teaching and learning: This priority includes projects that work on supporting the integration of the language dimension across the curricula and ensuring that learners reach adequate language competence levels by the end of compulsory education. Mainstreaming the use of new technologies for language learning is also part of the efforts under this priority. Finally, the priority supports projects that can help create language aware schools and that build on the increasing linguistic diversity in schools, for example by encouraging early language learning and awareness and developing bilingual teaching options (especially in border regions and areas where inhabitants use more than one language).

Promoting interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the STEAM approach, and foster girls' interest in STEM: This priority supports projects that promote the STEM approach to education through interdisciplinary teaching in cultural, environmental, economic, design and other contexts, promoting in particular girls’ interest in STEM. The priority includes development and promotion of effective and innovative pedagogies and assessment methods. Developing partnerships between schools, businesses, higher education institutions, research institutions, and wider society is particularly valuable in this context. At strategic level, the priority serves to promote development of national STEM strategies.

Developing high quality early childhood education and care systems: This priority focuses on promoting the implementation of the EU quality framework for early childhood education and care attached to the 2019 Council Recommendation on high quality early childhood education and care. It includes projects providing support for initial and continuing professional development of staff involved in organising, leading and providing early childhood education and care. In addition, the priority also supports creating, testing and implementing strategies and practices to foster participation of all children in early childhood education and care, including children with fewer opportunities.

Recognition of learning outcomes for participants in cross-border learning mobility: This priority aims to help put in practice the Council Recommendation on automatic mutual recognition. It supports embedding cross-border class exchanges in school programmes, building capacity of schools to organise learning periods abroad for their pupils, and creation of long-term partnerships between schools in different countries. At strategic level, this priority aims for stronger involvement of school authorities at all levels in efforts to ensure recognition, and it supports development and sharing of tools and practices for preparation, monitoring and recognition of periods abroad.

Supporting innovators at school: In line with the Commission Communication on a European strategy for universities, this priority aims to involve leading personalities from start-ups to act as ambassadors and mentors to inspire young people, and invite them to develop new ideas and solutions.

Supporting response of European education and training systems to war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based practices targeting pupils and staff fleeing the war in Ukraine. Projects under this priority should build on high quality standards and substantial experience in the integration of newcomers in learning and training environments. They can aim at providing language facilities, applying and expanding research, exchanging with Ukrainian institutions, exploring good practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and staff fleeing war, etc.

In the field of vocational education and training (both initial and continuing):

Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs: This includes supporting the development of VET programmes that offer a balanced mix of vocational skills and create work-based learning opportunities well aligned to all economic cycles, evolving jobs and working methods and key competences. With a view to combat deteriorating proficiency levels of basic skills in the EU, VET programmes should ensure developing solid numeracy, literacy, language and digital skills as strong foundations for resilience, lifelong learning, lifelong employability, social inclusion. This priority also fosters the development of VET curricula, programme offers and qualifications which are regularly updated, building on skills intelligence. Projects will support VET providers in the adaptation of their training offer to changing skills needs, green and digital transitions and economic cycles.

Increasing the flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training: This priority supports initiatives that develop flexible and learner-centred VET programmes, and that contribute to closing existing gaps in the access to training for working age adults to successfully manage labour market transitions. Projects under this priority also contribute to the development of continuing vocational training programmes designed to be adaptable to labour market, as well as programmes that facilitate the transfer, recognition and accumulation of learning outcomes leading to national qualifications.

Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training: This priority supports projects which core aim is to substantially change the way in which VET is practiced, making it more relevant to the current and future needs of the economy and society. These changes can be organizational (planning, financing, human resource management, monitoring and communication). They can also address teaching and learning processes through the development and implementation of new and more relevant teaching and learning approaches. These changes can relate to the VET providers ecosystem and the way they engage with partners, for example through technology diffusion and applied research, advocacy, networking and internationalization activities. They can also target the development and provision of VET products and services (e.g. skills development, applied research, and consultancy) to external actors such as students, companies and governments.

Increasing attractiveness of VET: Priority will be given to projects that contribute to increasing the attractiveness of VET at different levels. Examples of these can be projects that work towards greater permeability between diverse educational levels, that foster open and participative learning environments, support the professional development of VET teachers and trainers, or facilitate recognition of learning outcomes and the use of Europass and other digital services. This priority also supports projects that develop long-term partnerships for establishing or reinforcing international, national, regional and sectoral skills competitions. The impact of these activities can be optimised by working closely together with businesses, VET providers, chambers of commerce and other relevant stakeholders along the different phases of the project cycle.

Improving quality assurance in vocational education and training: This priority focuses on measuring and improving quality of VET by developing national quality assurance systems, for both initial and continuing VET, in all learning environments and all learning formats, delivered by both public and private providers. In particular, this includes setting-up and testing graduate tracking arrangements in line with the Council Recommendation on tracking graduates, and the Recommendation on the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET), as well as exploring EU vocational core profiles, and micro-credentials.

Creation and implementation of internationalisation strategies for VET providers: This priority aims at putting in place support mechanisms and contractual frameworks to promote quality mobility of VET staff and learners. Particularly important aspects include automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes, as well as developing student support services for learner mobility. Such services can include informing, motivating, preparing and facilitating the social integration of the VET learners in the host country, as well as enhancing their intercultural awareness and active citizenship.

Tackling low proficiency in basic skills: The aim of this priority is ensuring that VET programmes develop solid numeracy, literacy, language and digital skills as strong foundations for resilience, lifelong learning, lifelong employability and social inclusion.

Supporting response of European education and training systems to the war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based learning practices, including apprenticeships, targeting VET learners and staff fleeing the war in Ukraine. Projects under this priority should build on high quality standards and substantial experience in the integration of newcomers in learning and training environments. They can focus on language training, integration of learners into VET, including into work-based learning and apprenticeship schemes (with support, as possible, from Ukrainian teacher and trainers fleeing the war), processes of recognition of skills and qualifications, with Ukrainian institutions, practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and staff fleeing war, etc.

In the field of adult education:

Increasing take-up and improving inclusiveness and accessibility of adult education: Priority will be given to projects that empower and enable adults to participate in training in order to reduce skills gaps and labour market shortages as well as promote and facilitate the participation of adults in learning. In particular, projects that build on individual learning accounts and enabling frameworks (including validation and guidance opportunities and effective motivation strategies).

Improving the availability of high quality, flexible and recognised learning for adults: This priority provides support for creation and development of flexible learning offers adapted to the learning needs of adults, for example by developing digital and blended learning opportunities. Priority is also given to projects working on validation of skills certified by micro-credentials or acquired through informal and non-formal learning.

Promoting local learning centres and innovative learning spaces: This priority aims to support local learning environments, to promote social inclusion, civic engagement and democracy, and to attract and offer everyone in the community lifelong and life-wide learning opportunities, also by exploiting digital technologies and including measures for outreach and the engagement of learners. Projects could, for example, encourage local learning centres, libraries, museums, prisons, civil society and the wider community (NGOs, local authorities, health, culture etc.) to work together to motivate and enable adults of all ages to learn the life skills and key competences necessary to be resilient and adaptable in the face of change and uncertainty.

Creating upskilling and reskilling pathways: This priority aims at promoting new adult education opportunities, particularly for adults with a low level of skills, knowledge and competences. Creation of new upskilling pathways should allow adult learners to enhance their key competences and to progress towards higher qualifications. Complementary work covered under this priority includes developing guidance as a service to ensure that adults have access to relevant learning throughout life, improving skills identification and screening, designing tailored learning offers, and developing effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies.

Improving the competences of educators and other adult learning staff: Priority is given particularly to projects that develop staff competences that lead to overall improvements in provision, in line with the green and digital transitions. In particular, priority will be given to projects that support educators, including leadership teams, to teach and act for sustainability and to develop the digital competences of educators, e.g. through the Digital Opportunity Traineeships (DOTs) and improve teaching methods and tools through effective use of innovative solutions and digital technologies. Priority will be given to projects that target the development of skills to recognise and respond to individual learning needs e.g. designing tailored paths or plans adapted to learner background and circumstances, the assessment of prior knowledge and skills of adult learners, better and more innovative teaching methods, as well as strengthening the supporting role the adult education staff has in motivating, guiding and advising learners in challenging learning situations.

Creating and promoting learning opportunities among all citizens and generations: Priority is given to projects that create and promote inter-generational learning, including learning opportunities and exchanges of experiences of all age groups, including seniors, with a view to building better understanding of the European Union and its values, and strengthening European identity.

Enhancing quality assurance in adult learning opportunities: This priority supports the development of better quality assurance mechanisms for adult learning policies and provision. In particular, this includes development and transfer of monitoring methodologies to measure effectiveness of adult education provision and to track the progress of adult learners.

Supporting response of European education and training systems to war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive pedagogical approaches and work-based practices targeting adult learners and staff fleeing the war in Ukraine. Projects under this priority should build on high quality standards and substantial experience in the integration of newcomers in learning and training environments. They can aim at providing language facilities, applying and expanding research, exchanging with Ukrainian institutions, exploring good practices supporting psycho-social well-being of learners and staff fleeing war, etc.

In the field of youth:

Priority will be given to actions that contribute to the core areas of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027: engage, connect and empower young people. A particular focus will be on strengthening cross-sectorial cooperation that allows for greater synergies across different areas of actions that matter for young people, promoting youth participation in various scales and formats and supporting active citizenship of young people, notably youth at risk of social exclusion. Specific priorities for the youth field include:

Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship: The priority aims to foster active citizenship among young people, notably through volunteering and acts of solidarity, and thereby strengthen young people's sense of initiative, particularly in the social field, and support their communities. Projects under this priority could also promote entrepreneurship, creative learning and social entrepreneurship among youth. Intercultural dialogue, knowledge and recognition of diversity and promotion of tolerance are key to this priority.

Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work: The priority aims to promote the recognition and validation of youth work and informal and non-formal learning on all levels, and support quality development and innovation in youth work, in line with the priorities enshrined in the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn Declaration of December 2020. This includes capacity-building of youth workers in their online and offline practices, as well as support to the development and sharing of methods to reach marginalised young people, prevent racism and intolerance among youth, and the risks, opportunities and implications of digitalisation.

Strengthening the employability of young people: The priority aims to strengthen young people’s key competences and basic skills. The youth sector plays an important role in easing the transition of young people from youth to adulthood, including supporting their integration into the labour market. Activities focusing on the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities (including NEETs), with particular emphasis on young people at risk of marginalisation and those with a migrant background, are at the core of this priority.

Reinforcing links between policy, research and practice: This priority addresses the need for stronger links between policy, research and practice in the youth field to provide improved evidence of needs and facilitate policy making. Activities to promote better knowledge about the situation of young people and youth policies in Europe and beyond will be of importance to this priority.

Supporting response of the Youth field in Europe to war in Ukraine: This priority supports projects aiming to implement, share and promote inclusive approaches and practices targeting young people and youth workers fleeing the war in Ukraine and youth work providers of receiving countries actively involved in such activities. Activities should adhere to the principles of youth work, including non-formal and intercultural learning, and should contribute to promoting and understanding of human rights and democracy and to increase the capacity of participating organisations. They can aim at providing language facilities, applying and expanding research, enhancing synergies and complementarities with organisations active in the field of youth in Ukraine, exploring good practices supporting psycho-social well-being of young refugees and refugee youth workers from Ukraine, and fostering capacity-building of youth work organisations – in Ukraine and in receiving countries, etc

In the field of sport:

Priority will be given to partnerships which contribute to the implementation of key policy documents such as the EU Work Plan for Sport (2024-2027) or the Council recommendation of health-enhancing physical activity. Specific priorities in the sport field include:

Encouraging healthy lifestyles for all: projects under this priority will mainly focus on a) encouraging healthy lifestyles for all, including through awareness raising of the benefits of healthy and active lifestyles, b) the implementation of the the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity and the EU Physical Activity Guidelines and the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle c) the support to the implementation of the European Week of Sport d) the promotion of sport and physical activity as a tool for health e) the promotion of all activities encouraging the practice of sport and physical activity  f) promotion of traditional sport and games and intergenerational sport.

Promoting integrity and values in sport: projects under this priority will focus mainly on a) combating the usage of doping b) combating match fixing and corruption in sport c) improving good governance in sport and d) promoting the positive values of sport.

Promoting education in and through sport: projects under this priority will focus mainly on a) supporting skills development in sport, b) encouraging Dual Careers of Athletes c) promoting the quality of coaching and staff d) using mobility as a tool for improving qualifications e) promoting employability through sport.

Promoting equality and European values in and through sport: projects under this priority will focus mainly on promoting a) equality in sport, including gender equality 1 , b) European values including using sport as a mean for peace and inclusion, c) values of non-discrimination on any ground, anti-racism, openness and tolerance to others.

  1. Implementing the 2022 Recommendations and action plan from the High Level Group on Gender Equality in sport, “Towards more gender equality in sport↩ back