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Erasmus+ Programme Guide

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Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2025

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Learning EU initiatives in other fields of education and training

Learning EU initiatives will support schools & Vocational education and training institutions (VETs), ISCED 1 – 4, enabling them to provide specific content on EU based subjects (democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity – among others). Activities should be taught during the school year and could include project weeks, study visits, and other immersive activities.

Activities will be offered by schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4). They may design and deliver content on EU issues and create learning experiences themselves or with the support of higher education institutions or other relevant organisations (NGOs, Associations, etc.). Activities organised under this section will boost learning about the European Union in ways that inspire. They will help students to strengthen their sense of belonging to the EU, the impact it has on their lives and their understanding of EU mechanisms and policies.

Objectives of the Action

Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives will foster the introduction of a European Union angle in the educational culture of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4) and contribute to strengthen European identity and active citizenship among students and teachers.

In particular, the main objectives are:

  • increased number of schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4) teaching European Union issues by EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme;
  • increased number of classes in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4) involved in learning experiences on European Union subjects
  • increased number of key subject areas, or extra-curricular activities, where the EU is being taught in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4) for each EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme
  • increased number of teachers to engage with the improvement of EU literacy
  • increased quality of EU innovative teaching and learning methods, with particular attention to the EU priorities
  • improved learning results about the EU of students who are better equipped with knowledge and understanding of the EU, its history, values, objectives as well as the institutions, decision making processes which influence the daily lives of young Europeans and enhanced active citizenship among students and teachers

Setting up a project

Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives specifically targets schools and vocational education & training institutions (VETs) (ISCED 1 – 4).  

Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives must respect one or more of the following:

  • teaching on European Union matters officially embedded in the curricula (teaching in one or more existing subjects)
  • learning experiences on European Union subjects which complement already existing courses: collaborative learning, co-teaching, among other subjects
  • extracurricular seminars, study visits, other kinds of EU experiences involving other organisations

For the purpose of the action, a teaching hour is understood to be an hour of learning experience in the context of school or VET activities. citizensIt can be classroom or not classroom learning (i.e. workshops, meetings with experts, study visits) but needs to be linked to concrete learning outcomes and to EU studies / EU values.

National Authorities may be informed about the public schools applying to this Action per country, including limited personal data such as the name and email of the contact person, in order to facilitate the validation process of their entities.

Which are the criteria to be met to apply for Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives?

Eligibility criteria

Eligible participating organisations (Who can apply?)

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities, if applicable) must be:

  • school or vocational education and training institution (VET) (ISCED 1 – 4)
  • established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme

Only applications by single applicants are allowed.

Eligible activities

A Jean Monnet Learning EU initiative must be implemented for a minimum of 40 teaching hours per school year for three consecutive years on EU based subjects.

Duration of the project

Projects should normally last 36 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment of the grant agreement).

Where to apply?

To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)


When to apply?

Applicants have to submit their grant application by 12 February at 17:00:00 (Brussels time).

How to apply?

For information, please consult Part C of this Guide.

Award criteria

Projects will be assessed against the following criteria:

Relevance of the project - (maximum score 25)

The proposal has to demonstrate relevance against the objectives of this action and among other, relevance will be considered, through:

  • the type and number of EU subjects proposed for the project
  • innovation and creativity in the proposal
  • use of digital methodology – where possible
  • new teaching and learning methodologies in order to make the European Union subjects more attractive and tailored to the needs of pupils and students

The proposal is relevant for the respect and promotion of shared EU values, such as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, as well as fighting any sort of discrimination.

Quality of the project design and implementation - (maximum score 25)

In terms of quality the proposal should illustrate:

  • the quality and feasibility of the methodology proposed
  • teaching methodologies used including group lectures, seminars, tutorials, distance-learning but not individual instruction
  • evidence of clarity and substance of the work programme proposed, in all its phases (preparation, implementation, evaluation and follow-up)

Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements - (maximum score 25)

The project proposal should provide:

  • evidence of clear commitment of school / VET management
  • evidence of clear commitment in support of teachers in the preparation of content as well as in their teaching activities
  • evidence of monitoring of activities and visibility of the results obtained by staff involved in this initiative
  • evidence of involvement of staff with the relevant pedagogical skills

Impact - (maximum score 25)

The project proposal should provide:

  • evidence of appropriate measures and resources to ensure that the results and benefits will be sustained beyond the project lifetime
  • clear description of the dissemination strategy within the institution and beyond
  • explanation of the impact expected on the schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4), on the pupils, students and teachers benefiting from the activities


To be considered for funding, proposals must score at least 70 points. Furthermore, they must score at least 15 points in each of the categories of the award criteria mentioned above.

Ex-aequo proposals will be prioritised according to the scores they have been awarded for the award criterion ‘Relevance’. When these scores are equal, priority will be based on their scores for the criterion ‘Quality of the project design and implementation”. When these scores are equal, priority will be based on their scores for the criterion ‘Impact’.

If this does not allow to determine the priority, a further prioritisation can be done by considering the overall project portfolio and the creation of positive synergies between projects, or other factors related to the objectives of the call. These factors will be documented in the panel report.

Expected impact

Jean Monnet Learning EU Initiatives is expected to bring positive and long-lasting effects both to the schools and VET providers and to the participants to their activities, in particular  teachers and students.  

The impact of Jean Monnet Learning EU Initatives is measured through quantitative and qualitative indicators (see below), linked to the objectives of the Action which are described in the introductory section, “Objectives of the Action”.

Applicants are encouraged to use the following indicators in their applications, and to set their target values:


Increased number of classes in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4) involved in learning experiences on European Union subjects.


Number of classes and students involved in the Action (disaggregated by gender).


Increased number of key subject areas, or extra-curricular activities, where the EU is being taught in schools and VETs (ISCED 1 – 4) for each EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.


Number and type of subject areas and events in which the EU is being taught.


Increased number of teachers to engage with the improvement of EU literacy.


Number of teachers involved in the Action (disaggregated by gender).


Increased quality of EU innovative teaching and learning methods, with particular attention to the EU priorities.


Number of projects embedding innovative methods.


Improved learning results about the EU of students who are better equipped with knowledge and understanding of the EU, its history, values, objectives as well as the institutions, decision making processes which influence the daily lives of young Europeans.


Percentage of success rate in learning test about the EU (disaggregated by gender).

What are the funding rules?

This action follows a lump sum funding model. This funding scheme would allow putting focus on the outputs rather than the inputs, thereby placing emphasis on the quality and level of achievement of measurable objectives.

The maximum EU grant per project is EUR 35 000.

The lump sum contributions will cover staff costs, travel and subsistence costs, equipment costs and subcontracting as well as other costs (dissemination of information, publishing, translation).

Applicants must request the predefined amount of the single lump sum indicated, corresponding to country, as indicated in the table below. Note that the lump sum per country reflects the total number of teaching hours over 3 years. The amounts in the table represent the final EU contribution at a 80 % co-financing rate.

Learning EU initiatives

Countries / teaching hours over the 3 years period (min 40h/year)120-150 teaching hours151-180 teaching hours181-210 
teaching hours
211 - 240 teaching hours>241 
teaching hours
Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia, Lichtenstein, SerbiaEUR 12.250EUR 14.750EUR 17.250EUR 19.750EUR 22.000
Türkiye, Croatia, LatviaEUR 14.250EUR 17.500EUR 20.750EUR 24.000EUR 27.250
Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Czechia, Estonia, SlovakiaEUR 16.000EUR 19.500EUR 23.500EUR 27.000EUR 31.000
Portugal, Greece, Slovenia, MaltaEUR 20.000EUR 24.000EUR 28.000EUR 32.000EUR 35.000
Cyprus, Iceland, Spain, ItalyEUR 23.500EUR 29.000EUR 34.000EUR 35.000EUR 35.000
Ireland, France,  FinlandEUR 27.000EUR 33.000EUR 35.000EUR 35.000EUR 35.000
Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, NorwayEUR 30.000EUR 35.000EUR 35.000EUR 35.000EUR 35.000
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