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EU programme for education, training, youth and sport

Guidelines on how to use the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Traineeships (KA171)

The purpose of the Learning Agreement is to provide a transparent and efficient preparation of the traineeship period abroad and to ensure that the trainee will receive recognition in their degree for the traineeship successfully completed abroad.

Note: this template is for actions supported by external (KA171) policy funds.

On this page

About the template

This template is applicable to Erasmus+ mobility for traineeships within the framework of KA171 higher education mobility action. It is recommended to use this template. However, if higher education institutions already have an IT system in place to produce the Learning Agreement or the Transcript of Records, they can continue using it, provided that all the minimum requirements listed in this document are made available. Further fields can be added, if needed (e.g. information on the coordinator of a consortium), and the format (e.g. font size and colours) can be adapted.

Before the mobility

Administrative data

Before the mobility, it is necessary to fill in page 1 with information on the trainee, the beneficiary institution, the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise (and the sending institution, if different than the beneficiary in case of incoming mobility). The three (four) parties have to agree on the section to be completed before the mobility. In case some administrative data is already available to the three (four) parties, there is no need to repeat it in this template.

On page 1, most of the information related to the trainee, the beneficiary institution, the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise (and the sending institution, if different than the beneficiary in case of incoming mobility) will have to be encoded in the Beneficiary Module.

Traineeship Programme at the Receiving Organisation / Enterprise (Table A)

The Traineeship Programme at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should include the indicative start and end months of the agreed traineeship, the traineeship title, as well as the number of working hours per week. In case of blended mobility the duration of the virtual component(s) should also be indicated.

The detailed programme of the traineeship period should include the tasks/deliverables to be carried out by the trainee, with their associated timing. If applicable, the added value of the virtual component of the traineeship should be clearly described.

If the traineeship can be considered a traineeship in digital skills [see reference 1] it should be indicated by checking "yes" in the relevant field.

The Traineeship Programme should indicate which knowledge, intellectual and practical skills and competences (learning outcomes) will be acquired by the end of the traineeship, e.g. academic, analytical, communication, decision-making, ICT, innovative and creative, strategic-organisational, and foreign language skills, teamwork, initiative, adaptability, etc.

The monitoring plan should describe how and when the trainee will be monitored during the traineeship by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise and the HEI(s).

The evaluation plan should describe the assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate the traineeship and the learning outcomes.

Language competence

A recommended level of language competence [see reference 2] in the main language of work should be agreed with the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise to ensure a proper integration of the trainee in the Organisation/Enterprise.

The level of language competence in the main language of work, which the trainee already has or agrees to acquire by the start of the study period, has to be reported in the box provided for that purpose in the Learning Agreement or, alternatively, in the grant agreement. In case the level of the selected trainee is below the recommended one when signing the Learning Agreement (or, alternatively, the grant agreement), the Sending Institution and the trainee should agree that they will reach the recommended level by the start of the mobility. They should also discuss and decide on the type of support to be provided to the student by the Sending Institution (either with courses that can be funded by the Organisational Support grant or with the Erasmus+ OLS language courses, where applicable) or by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise.

The Erasmus+ Online Language Support (OLS) has been designed to assist Erasmus+ trainees in improving their knowledge of the main language of work, before and during their stay abroad, to ensure a better quality of learning mobility.

For mobility of 14 days or more, the trainee must carry out an OLS language assessment in the language of mobility, if available on OLS, before the mobility, except for native speakers and in duly justified cases. The completion of the OLS assessment before departure is a pre-requisite for the mobility. This assessment will be taken after the trainee is selected, before signing the Learning Agreement or, alternatively, the grant agreement. All mobility participants have the opportunity to follow courses in the language(s) of their choice, available on the OLS platform.

Sending Institution (Table B)

The Sending Institution commits to recognise the learning outcomes acquired by the trainee upon satisfactory completion of the traineeship. There are three different provisions for traineeships and Table B should be filled in accordingly

  1. Traineeships embedded in the curriculum (counting towards the degree)
  2. Voluntary traineeships (not obligatory for the degree)
  3. Traineeships for recent graduates

The specific requirements are different depending on whether the sending HEI is a country taking part in the Bologna Process or in a third country not associated to the Erasmus+ programme, which is not part of the Bologna Process. In addition, the commitments regarding recognition are higher when the traineeship is part of the student curriculum (i.e. it counts towards the degree) than when it is a voluntary traineeship (i.e. it is not obligatory to complete the degree).

(1) Traineeships embedded in the curriculum

It will be necessary to use ECTS credits for the recognition of traineeships of short cycle, bachelor and master students from countries that are part of the Bologna Process. ECTS will be used for the recognition of traineeships by doctoral candidates if relevant for the sending institution. HEIs from third countries not associated to the Programme, where ECTS credits are not in place, will use an equivalent system. In that case, the term "ECTS" needs to be replaced in all tables by the name of the equivalent system and a web link to an explanation to the system should be added.

It will also be necessary to indicate on which basis a grade will be provided.

The sending institution will record the traineeship in the trainee's Transcript of Records. In addition, when the sending institution is based in a country taking part in the Bologna Process, the institution will also record the traineeship in the Diploma Supplement (or equivalent) of the trainee.

The traineeship may as well be recorded in the Europass Mobility Document, which is to be filled in by the hosting and the sending organisation.

(2) Voluntary traineeships

The sending institution decides whether it will be taking similar actions as those requested for traineeships embedded in the curriculum. This is recommended to ensure a more enriching opportunity for the trainee. The only mandatory requirement is for HEIs based in a country taking part in the Bologna Process when they organise traineeships for their own students. In that case, they will always have to record the traineeship in the Diploma Supplement (or equivalent) of the trainee. The template include the relevant options for each case.

(3) Traineeships for recent graduates

The traineeship should be recorded in the Europass Mobility Document, which is to be filled in by the hosting and the sending organisation.

All other actions described above for traineeships embedded in the curriculum or voluntary traineeships during studies are not applicable in the case of recent graduates.

Accident insurance

It is highly recommended that either the beneficiary institution or the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise provide insurance coverage to the trainee, and fill in the information in Table B or C accordingly. The trainee must be covered at least by an accident insurance (damages caused to the trainee at the workplace) and by a liability insurance (damages caused by the trainee at the workplace). If neither the beneficiary institution nor the receiving organisation provide this insurance coverage, it will have to be covered by the trainee. To this effect, the student grant agreement must highlight what is mandatory or recommended in terms of insurance and it must state who is responsible for taking the mandatory insurance.

Receiving Organisation / Enterprise (Table C)

The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should provide appropriate support, including mentoring, supervision and equipment, to the trainee.

The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should specify whether it will provide financial support and/or a contribution in kind for the trainee, on top of the Erasmus+ grant, and which will be the amount and/or the exact contribution in kind.

The Receiving Organisation/Enterprise commits to issue a Traineeship Certificate within five weeks after the end of the traineeship.

Signing the Learning Agreement

All parties must sign the Learning Agreement before the start of the mobility. It is not compulsory to circulate original paper versions of the document. Scanned copies of signatures or electronic signatures may be accepted, depending on the national legislation or institutional regulations.

During the mobility

Exceptional Changes to the Traineeship Programme (Table A2)

Table A2 should only be completed during the mobility if changes have to be introduced into the original Learning Agreement. In that case, Table A should be kept unchanged and changes should be described in Table A2. The two tables should be kept together in all communications.

When changes to the traineeship programme arise, they should be agreed as soon as possible with the Sending Institution.

In case the change concerns an extension of the duration of the traineeship programme abroad, the request can be made by the trainee at the latest one month before the foreseen end date.

Changes of the Responsible person(s)

In case of changes of the responsible person(s), the information below should be inserted by the Sending Institution or Receiving Organisation/Enterprise, where applicable.

The table in the form where you should change the details of the responsible person(s)
Changes of the Responsible person(s) Name Email Position
New Responsible person at the Sending Institution      
New Supervisor at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise      

Confirming the changes

All parties must approve the changes to the Learning Agreement. The European Commission would like to limit the use of paper for exchanging documents as much as possible. That is why it is accepted that information is exchanged electronically, e.g. via email, scanned or digital signatures, etc. without the need of a paper signature. However, if national legislations or institutional regulations require paper signatures, a signature box can be added where needed.

After the mobility

Traineeship Certificate by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise (Table D)

After the mobility, the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise should send a Traineeship Certificate to the trainee and Sending Institution, normally within five weeks after successful completion of the traineeship. It can be provided electronically or through any other means accessible to the trainee and the Sending Institution.

The Traineeship Certificate will contain at least the information in Table D.

The actual start and end dates of the traineeship programme should be included according to the following definitions:

  • The start date of the traineeship period is the first day the trainee has been present (physically or virtually) at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise to carry out their traineeship. For example, this could be the first day of work, a welcoming event organised by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise, an information session for trainees with fewer opportunities, a language and intercultural course organised either by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise or other organisations (if the Sending Institution considers it relevant for the mobility).
  • The end date of the traineeship period is the last day the trainee has been present physically or virtually at the receiving Organisation/Enterprise to carry out their traineeship, not their actual date of departure.
  • In case of a blended mobility any virtual component periods should also be noted separately in the certificate.

Transcript of Records and Recognition at the Sending Institution [see reference 3]

The Sending Institution should recognise the traineeship according to the provisions in Table B. If applicable, the Sending Institution should provide the Transcript of Records to the trainee or record the results in a database (or other means) accessible to the student, normally five weeks after receiving the Traineeship Certificate, without further requirements than those agreed upon before the mobility.

The Transcript of Records will contain at least the information that the Sending Institution committed to provide before the mobility in the Learning Agreement, i.e. the number of ECTS credits (or equivalent) awarded and the grade given (which can be expressed in the form of pass/fail).

The student will be able to report on the recognition by the Sending Institution via the on-line EU survey or a complementary online survey.

Diploma Supplement

In the case of HEIs based in countries part of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the information contained in the Traineeship Certificate from the receiving organisation should also be included in the Diploma Supplement (or equivalent) of the trainee upon his or her graduation, except if the trainee is a recent graduate.

It is also recommended to record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document (if applicable), particularly in the case of recent graduates, and in any case when the Sending Institution had committed to do so before the mobility.


  1. Traineeship in digital skills: any traineeship will be considered as such when one or more of the following activities are practised by the trainee: digital marketing (e.g. social media management, web analytics); digital graphical, mechanical or architectural design; development of apps, software, scripts, or websites; installation, maintenance and management of IT systems and networks; cybersecurity; data analytics, mining and visualisation; programming and training of robots and artificial intelligence applications. Generic customer support, order fulfilment, data entry or office tasks are not considered in this category.
  2. Level of language competence: see the European Language Levels (CEFR)
  3. Recognition: all the credits that the trainee has earned during the mobility and that were specified in the final version of the Learning Agreement (Table B of the official template) are recognised by the Sending Institution, according to its commitment before the mobility and without further requirements than those agreed upon before the mobility.

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